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Preliminary Site Investigation

A Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) is a preliminary screening assessment, undertaken to determine the likelihood, type and location of potential contamination at a target site. The findings of the Preliminary Site Investigation are used to evaluate if further assessment works are necessary, including an Environmental Site Assessment (i.e. Detailed Site Investigation).

The Preliminary Site Investigation may be requested to meet Council requirements, for due diligence purposes, to evaluate the contamination status of a childcare centre, or to determine the need for a Preliminary Risk Screen Assessment (PRSA).

The Preliminary Site Investigation should include:

  • A review of the past uses of the site, and nearby properties, to identify potentially contaminating activities, potential contamination types and the likely locations for contamination hotspots.

  • Site setting information including a review of local geology, groundwater characteristics, surface water location and potential interactions with potential on and offsite contamination, etc.

  • A review of local service plans to evaluate potential contamination pathways to or from site.

  • A site inspection to identify potential signs of contamination including surface staining, impacted vegetation, soil or waste material stockpiles, former pits or structures, underground fuel storage infrastructure, etc.

Preliminary sample collection may be recommended to target potentially contaminated areas if identified during the initial desktop review.

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